Carousel of Menorcan
In this show the horses work the walk, trot, canter, and "menorquin’s bots". Also they execute airs of high school, spanish walk, piaffe and passage.
This can be performed with 8, 10, 12 or 14 horses.
Long rein
Work at hand
The rider only uses reins while he’s working with the horse this show can be execute with one or tow horses.
and the other hand a group of horses can take part in the other show work at hand.
Kür Menorcan
The Kür is a free reprise, with movements and exercises of a menorquin’s dressage regulation including menorquin’s bots" a kind of performance that you can only enjoy and learn in Menorca.
Horses prom dresses
Horses and riders are dressed with Menorca's traditional festivities ornamentation.
We demonstrate the typical movements of the party along with "menorquin’s bots".
During the show you can see our riders teach horses how to lose fear.
Horses and
Harris’s eagles colaborate with us in some shows, and you’ll enjoy looking at our riders work with horses and eagles at the same time.
In this the riders compete to show they abilities with the "menorquin bots" divided in groups.
The riders, divided in three or four teams, fight between them in this performance in order to show their skills doing menorquin’s bots".
Each group is dressed with a different color: green, white, yellow and red.
Each group distributes to people cardboards of their colour so that people can encourage their team and decide which one win the competition.
When the competition starts, the riders make the most of them trying to do their best bots they can.
The competition disappears at the end of the show when all riders make several jumps together.